
Perspective On Making Goals

Image Life can be full of confusion and unexpected events. Being busy seems to be valued these days, but what about being effective? Most people start with a dream, but are easily distracted by the everyday hubbub. I am a goal setter. It is who I inherently am and I set goals for all areas of my life. For some, the whole process of setting goals might seem tedious, but to me, it gives a huge sense of personal accomplishment and satisfaction. A high-quality goal should be measureable and realistic so it is obvious when the goal finish- line has been reached. There are three main areas of my life where I set goals: Personal Goals My personal goals are usually related to exercise, taking time for myself, and my attitude. I think about the person I want to be for myself and the way I interact with others. Professional Goals When setting professional goals, I think about w
The View From Here I’ve just come home and immediately wanted to decompress my mind from the handcuffs of robotic movements inside of a building that I call work. Wash, rinse, and repeat is the cycle every day during the time that I’ve traded for money doing the most mundane physical activity of which I can currently think. I know now what adults were tired of when I was a little grasshopper, it’s this – the feeling that I’m feeling now; the sense that there has to be more, there has to be a better way. The difference between most of them and some of us out there is that sure, we recognize the problem, and where we differ is that we’re doing something about it, now. Not in five minutes, not tomorrow or next month, but now. I daydream when I wake up, on my way to work and while working, so much so that I carry a tiny notepad and pen (appropriate weapons)   for ideas and plans for escape. My mind is consumed with art and ideas interchangeably throughout both waking hours,
What Is Humanity For Art? I’m sitting here pondering the meaning of my chosen business name which seemed at the time to be very fitting to me. The more that I think about it, the more it seems too widespread of a name to claim that “there’s a mere human behind it - me.” The truth of the matter is that this is exactly how I feel, with all arrogance aside, that I can materialize the clear vision in the forefront of my mind into the world in which I live. The simple definition of humanity states via Merriam-Webster: 1. the quality or state of being human 2. the quality or state of being kind to other people or animals 3. all people I like this definition because, to me, it fits like a glove, a boot or whatever else you put on that is “just right”. I am kind to myself and others, and I want to live a life of happiness for myself and others that I hold ever so dearly to my heart… I believe that I can achieve this goal of mine. My ultimate vision is to own a business that grows en
This blog is the beginning of a journey, the first of mine to be documented for the world to see. My Genesis is right now because one of the amazing things about life is that we can start over again and again at any given moment! I've set a goal for myself to do a new design/artwork every two weeks, so I'm going to start today with one that I've already done and then another one every two weeks, hereafter. This design of Nikola Tesla is a bit of a tribute to this genius of a man. Tesla was ahead of his time and I feel that he hasn't gotten the credit he deserved/deserves, remember him as a "thanks" for all that he's done for this world as a whole. I appreciate you for stopping by and joining me on this journey, and I sincerely hope you enjoy it and learn something at the very least. I aim to motivate and inspire, good and greater things are to come! Thank you again and again. If you're interested in purchasing any of my artwork or have any questions, p